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Everyone knows the benefits of fresh and organic eggs in our diet through the rearing of our own chickens in our home gardens. We take care to control the natural feeding we give our chickens. In addition, we like to enjoy the very playful and educational aspect of egg harvesting in the henhouse with our children.

To do this, our friends the hens need a suitable living space in which to protect themselves, lay their eggs, feed and take refuge from possible predators. IMOR chicken kennels are an ideal concept for this. They are modular and can therefore be adapted to the number of hens in your garden. They offer an adequate living space protected from all risks and bad weather as well as the often very hot ground of the summer. It is very easy to enter with the children for egg collection, or to clean and renew the food.

You can also place a gravitational hopper for feeding. Just as a float water trough directly connected to your garden hose will automatically renew the water and your chickens will always have fresh, clean water at their disposal. IMOR chicken kennels also have a mesh adapted to the safety of the hens against their potential predators both in the size of the yarn and in the mesh size of the panels. In the same way, these modular henhouses allow backyard poultry to be in direct contact with the ground and to draw all the necessary richness for their good growth (stones for the hardness of the eggshells, worms, etc.).

In this link you will have the opportunity to discover the range of poultry houses offered by IMOR… Click here

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